A cannabis brand with heart
Goodness is a cannabis company for feeling good, and doing good –with 20% of profits dedicated to non-profit organizations and special projects. With its signature micro-dose edible 'HEARTS' containing low THC and higher CBD, goodness focused on creating enjoyable experiences for entry-level cannabis users and anyone wanting a more controlled high. With doses as low as 1mg THC, HEARTS created lower risk scenarios for canna-curious customers who often had horrible past experiences with unregulated edibles, brownies, and cookies.
With 4 different types of HEARTS, customers can accurately choose their levels of THC and CBD to suit their mood.Creating partnerships with California based non-profits surrounding issues of homelessness, social equity, and sustainability has allowed goodness to rally local communities and customers by giving them visibility on the impact of their purchase. Collage-style artwork was developed for use across social and print materials to bring these issues to life in a way that was still positive and visually engaging.